You can use our equipment

With every Studio 55 booking you can use our flash set and lightshapers for free. Extra equipment or more facilities can be arranged by yourself or we can help you out. We want to make sure that you’re ready to go when arriving on the day of production.

Do you want to use more of our equipment? We’ve got you covered. Discuss your needs with our hands-on team and we’ll make sure you’ve got reliable and high quality equipment to work with.

Studio 55 photo Equipment Rent apparatuur
Book a photographer videographer makeup artist stylist

Book a team

Looking for a photographer, videographer, stylist, model and/or makeup artist? Let us help you! Through our Club 55 we can offer a leading professionals and young talents. Contact us with the specifications and we will help you put together a creative professional team.

Coffee anyone?

Coffee, tea and water are included in your booking. For lunch we have a list of recommendations. Our studio manager is happy to help!

Studio 55 Catering Coffee Tea Water
Set styling decor not just a studio photography videography

Set Styling
& Decor

When in need of different background rolls and decor elements to shoot your perfect shot, contact us. On request we can order the materials you need. We charge €50 per hour for additional project management.